
Is Your Toothpaste Causing More Harm than Good?

Do you or your child frequently suffer from canker sores? If so, your toothpaste may be causing more harm than good. Surprisingly, these sores are more common than you’d think, and I’m here to offer a helpful solution. In fact, all you need to do is avoid a common ingredient added to most toothpastes.

You’ve probably heard of this ingredient before, since shampoo brands have started removing it from some of their products. It’s called Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), which is a detergent added to produce that foaming action we’re used to.

SLS Side Effects

Unfortunately, a frequent side effect of SLS can be canker sores or mouth ulcers. Canker sores are round, white, painful sores with a red border. They usually occur on the inside of your lip or cheek, and can take around 10-14 days to completely heal. In addition to canker sores, SLS can also cause tissue sloughing of the inner cheek, dry mouth, and bad breath. As you can see, your toothpaste, because of this ingredient, may be causing more harm than good. For reference, here is the most common presentation of a canker sore:

image of canker sore

Treatment for Canker Sores

Things to do if your child is experiencing a canker sore:

  1. Avoid salty or acidic foods
  2. Brush gently, since the area is tender and painful
  3. Swish with Peroxyl if your child is old enough to spit
  4. Ask your dentist for a prescription to speed up the healing process (Triamcinolone Acetonide Dental Paste 0.1% is one I regularly prescribe for my patients – this is applied as needed after meals and before bedtime).

In conclusion, the good news is that it’s possible to find SLS-free toothpastes. You just need to check out the list of ingredients. To make it easier, I’ve compiled two lists for you 🙂 : one with fluoride and the other without (depending on your personal preference). Please be aware that other flavors not listed here may contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, so check the label to be sure. If you’re interested in learning how much toothpaste your child should use, click here.

SLS-Free with Fluoride:

  1. Sensodyne Pronamel Daily Protection
  2. Tanner’s Tasty Paste Cha Cha Chocolate
  3. Tanner’s Tasty Paste Vanilla Bling
  4. Hello Natural Wild Strawberry Flavor
  5. Burst Kids Marshmallow Sparkle

SLS-Free without Fluoride

  1. Tanner’s Tasty Paste Baby Bling
  2. Hello Natural Watermelon
  3. Burst Kids Strawberry Superstar
  4. Native Wild Mint

Side Note- Toothpaste caps– These things are the best!!!!! They help keep your bathroom counter mess-free and are easy for kids to use.

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