
How to Make Your Child a Tooth-Brushing Success

I know the drill.

Every morning and night you tell your child, “Go brush your teeth!” And you assume they’re doing a good enough job.


But maybe they go to the bathroom and brush quickly to get it over with, or they might even try to pull the trick I used to – just wet the toothbrush so my mom would think I had brushed.

Whatever they’re doing, how do we know if it’s good enough?


5 Proven Ways to Squash a Thumb-Sucking Habit

It can certainly be worrisome when your child has a thumb-sucking habit, and it’s often comforting for both you and your child to know that this habit is more common than you think. Even better, most of the time it will resolve on its own.

Unfortunately, there is a possibility the habit might be more challenging to break, but don’t lose hope! This article includes 5 proven solutions that will help your child break the habit.


Is Your Toothpaste Causing More Harm than Good?

Do you or your child frequently suffer from canker sores? If so, your toothpaste may be causing more harm than good. Surprisingly, these sores are more common than you’d think, and I’m here to offer a helpful solution. In fact, all you need to do is avoid a common ingredient added to most toothpastes.


The Amount of Toothpaste You’re Using is Important

How much toothpaste does my child need? Great question! The amount of toothpaste needed is more important than you’d think. This is especially true if you’re using fluoride toothpaste.

Do you create that perfectly shaped glob of toothpaste, like we see in every commercial? If so, that’s way too much! 🙂


Recommended Age for My Child’s First Dental Appointment

When should I take my child to their first dental appointment? I get this question all the time, and I’ve noticed parents receive conflicting answers.

Many pediatricians and general dentists suggest 3 years old is the best age, but the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry’s recommendation differs.

The AAPD says to schedule your child’s first dental appointment once the first tooth comes in, and no later than their first birthday.