
Recommended Age for My Child’s First Dental Appointment

When should I take my child to their first dental appointment? I get this question all the time, and I’ve noticed parents receive conflicting answers.

Many pediatricians and general dentists suggest 3 years old is the best age, but the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry’s recommendation differs.

The AAPD says to schedule your child’s first dental appointment once the first tooth comes in, and no later than their first birthday.

There are a couple of reasons for this:

Early Detection

Most importantly, the dentist monitors your child’s growth and development. Dentists ensure the teeth are erupting properly and on time. By establishing a dental home and getting your child’s teeth checked every 6 months, cavities are detected early, which is important! Early detection of cavities or other dental issues allows us to more conservatively treat the tooth. This makes treatment easier on your child and your pocketbook 😉

Pediatric dentists also thoroughly review your child’s diet, eating/snacking habits, current oral hygiene routine, bottle and pacifier use. They give helpful advice on proper oral hygiene, healthy snacks, foods and drinks to avoid, and when to discontinue bottle and pacifier use.

If the dentist notices an early cavity forming, or presence of a lip tie or tongue tie, they provide a plan of action.

Establishing a Dental Home

What we want to avoid is a child’s first dental appointment scheduled due to tooth trauma. Kids are active, climbing and falling, exploring their world, and sometimes damage their teeth in the process. If your child falls or bumps their tooth, it’s a scary time and can be painful. By establishing a dental home and a relationship with the dentist early on, it can make a bad experience much easier and more comfortable for your child.

While seeing a dentist for the first time is best at the first birthday, it’s never too late to schedule an appointment for your child. Most dentists understand that life gets busy, and there are many other things that can take priority. Just know they are there to help whenever help is needed!

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